
Cardfight vanguard pale moon starter deck wikia
Cardfight vanguard pale moon starter deck wikia

cardfight vanguard pale moon starter deck wikia

Aurora Battle Princess, Spark Limone – When this unit attack hits, you choose 2 units from the opponent’s drop zone and put it in Prison.Aurora Battle Princess, Risatt Pink – When placed on Vanguard, your opponent chooses 1 card to imprison from hand.Aurora Battle Princess, Agra Rouge – When placed on Rear-Guard you may Soul-Blast 1 to imprison 1 Front Row Rear-Guard.

cardfight vanguard pale moon starter deck wikia

  • Granaroad Fairtigar – On Rear-Guard once per turn you may pay Soul-Blast 1 during Main Phase to Imprison 1 Front Row Rear-Guard.
  • Alert Guard Gunner – As Rear-Guard and when this unit hits, Imprison 1 Rear-Guard.
  • Aurora Battle Princess, Seraph Snow – Counter-Blast 1 to Imprison 2 Rear-guards as Vanguard or Rear-Guard.
  • Here is the current list of each type of card: Imprisoners Now there is the idea you can mix this deck with the currently other Brandt Gate Deck, Orfist, but will be covered in a separate deck study.Īs for Beneficiaries, the deck should have benefits at every level. Certain Imprisoners can only imprison certain Rear-Guards depending on their position on the board. When building a Prison deck, there should be a balance of Imprisoners and Beneficiaries.

    Cardfight vanguard pale moon starter deck wikia